Eat, Shop, Play, Local
Several studies have shown that money spent at a locally owned business stays in the local economy and continues to strengthen the economic base of the community. A case study in Austin, Texas, showed that local merchants generate substantially greater economic impact than chain retailers.

In fact, the study found that for every $100 in consumer spending at a national bookstore in Austin, the local economic impact was only $13. The same amount spent at locally-based bookstores yielded $45, or more than three times the local economic impact.

Where do you go find out what is happening in your community right now?
Ten years ago you could go to facebook and find posts from all your firends and family, and the local businesses you liked.
That all ended when facebook had their IPO and became a publicly traded company. Now ad spots take up the space where the posts from the pages you liked used to be. Gotta keep the stockholders happy.
We spent a lot of time, effort and money building up our HobNob Fan Pages. HobNob Nashville has over 100,00 fans. We used to be able to make a post and get huge reach to our fans. Now we are happy to reach a couple hundred fans with a post.
Every other business owner is struggling with the same fate.
Luckliy we have some pretty smart programmers on our team, so we deicded to do something about it.
Now at your local HobNob site, you can see posts from all your favorite local businesses, all in one place, updated hourly.
Dining, shopping, entertainment, health and fitness, it’s all there for you.
HyperLocal Discovery Engine™

HobNob Local is on a mission…
At HobNob Local, our mission is simple: Helping communities communicate. In working towards that goal over the last several years we have learned a lot about what it takes to empower local businesses, charities, city governments, and other local organizations to provide local residents with relevant and timely information.
Our newly revised HobNob Hyperlocal Discovery Engines™ – enable local businesses and organizations to quickly and easily promote information such as local events, news, information on local products and services, etc. Basically anything you would want to know about what is happening in your local community.
One of the main goals of our mission, is to help local businesses reach local residents. When you patronize local businesses, the money stays in your community. It is increasingly important to help build a strong local economy by doing business with local businesses.
When you spend your money with local businesses, you build a stronger local economy, help create and preserve local jobs, and support local schools and government services like police and fire departments as well as help maintain local roads and city parks.
Want to see a HobNob Hyperlocal Discovery Engine in action?
Check out HobNob Nashville:
The LOCAL Social Network

HobNob Local began with a simple idea.
We wanted to build a real time, location based web app to keep people in the know about all things local.
We knew that users were increasingly accessing the internet from mobile devices, so we made sure that our HobNob sites could be viewed from smartphones, tablets, desktops, even smart tv’s.
As we looked at the types of information that people most wanted most, we decided to focus on dining, nightlife, shopping, community news, events and things to do in the local community.
From dining and nightlife, to family friendly events, health and fitness, and education, each community across America has a wide range of activities that the average person is simply unaware of on a daily basis.
We also wanted a way to deliver local news and information as well as giving local businesses a way to reach out to local residents, with special offers and information about local products and services that we all need.
This idea became our company mission:
Helping Communities Communicate.

Nashville, TN